10 Most Incredible Houseplants You Probably Never Knew Existed

10 Most Incredible Houseplants You Probably Never Knew Existed

You can probably recognize a cactus without a second glance. Even snake plants are becoming more and more common. But what about donkey tails? Or trachyandra (say that five times fast). If you already have a home filled with plant babies that all look the same, you might want to make one of these varieties your next addition.

1. Marimo Moss Balls

Live plants are very beneficial for aquariums. They do everything from absorb toxic nitrates to give your animals a natural, beautiful environment to live in. Unfortunately, not all of us have green thumbs.

The moss ball is not to be confused with cheap knockoffs (Java wrapped around plastic or foam spheres). Instead, Marimo moss balls are little squishy balls of algae that look a lot like moss, hence the name. In the wild, they roll along the bottoms of rivers, giving them their round shape. They are also viewed as charms in Japan, and even treated as pets.


2. Living Stones

Lithops plants are often called “living stones” but they also look a bit like cloven hooves. These small, split succulents are native to the deserts of South Africa but they are commonly sold in garden centers and nurseries. Lithops thrive in compacted, sandy soil with little water and blistering hot temperatures. While relatively easy to grow, a little information on lithops will help you learn how to grow living stone plants so that they thrive in your home.

Lithops are small plants, rarely getting more than an inch above the soil surface and usually with only two leaves. The thick padded leaves represent the cleft in an animal’s foot or just a pair of green to grayish brown stones clustered together.


3. “Black” Succulents

Just when we thought our succulent obsession couldn’t possibly grow any more, we’ve just made an urgent discovery that’s sending us into a plant-loving frenzy. Black succulents exist, guys, and they’re the perfect home decor addition to match our cold, dark souls.

This species of succulent is known as Sinocrassula yunnanensis, a type that features densely packed clumps of rosettes. Its pointed leaves (which somewhat resemble mini pine cones or hedgehogs) are typically a dark green hue, but that color is often so dark that it actually looks more like black than green.


4. Dolphin Succulents

Remember the bunny succulent plants? If you liked those you’re in for a real treat because someone just shared a pic of succulent plants that look like dolphins and the Japanese are going crazy about them!

Called the Senecio peregrinus, this plant has a bunch of tiny leaves that look like little dolphins jumping in the air. The best part? The longer the vines get, the more the leaves look like dolphins! So, not only does the plant make your home cozier but it’s pretty adorable as well.


5. Hoya Kerrii

There are a few Hoya’s out there which make ideal houseplants, Hoya kerrii or the Sweetheart Plant is one of them. Hoya kerrii or as it’s often called the Sweetheart Plant Its become increasingly popular in recent years but you may still struggle to find information or care tips about it.

We have to be fair here and tell you that this plant is a lot like the Lucky Bamboo because most of its recent popularity is based on er, well a fad. Being quite easy to propagate and therefore making it rather cheap to grow and sell on, along with its unusual and quirky “heart” shape leaves, makes it perfect for the marketers to work their magic. This is because it appeals to anyone looking for something a bit odd or for that special novelty gift to give their plant enthusiast friend or lover a chuckle.


6. Zig-Zag Cactus

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Even though this playful plant is technically called Selenicereus Anthonyanus, it’s more commonly known by nicknames, such as Fishbone Cactus. Like most cacti, it’s relatively low-maintenance and produces colorful pink flowers when it blooms.


7. Trachyandra

No, this isn’t a pipe cleaner stuck into a pot of dirt and rocks. This plant exists in real life and is native to eastern and southern Africa.


8. Rose Succulents

Remember the dolphin succulents and bunny succulents we wrote about earlier? If you liked those you’ll just love these rose-shaped succulents!

Called Greenovia Dodrentalis, these succulents have curved layered petals that make the plants look just like roses. Mostly they’re found in the Canary Islands but we would say they belong somewhere in a fairy tale because of how unique and magical they look! Keep on scrolling to check out some pictures of this stunning rose-shaped succulent.


9. Crassula Umbella

Image result for 9. Crassula Umbella

Crassula are easy to grow, but they are susceptible to mealy bugs and fungal diseases. As with all succulents, overwatering is sure to be fatal, so err on the side of too dry rather than too wet. Never let your Crassula sit in water. If you water from beneath by letting the plant sit in a saucer of water, make sure to pour off any excess water after a few minutes. Crassula are generally started by division, offsets or leaf cuttings. Plants can be easily propagated from a single leaf: sprout leaves by placing them into a succulent or cacti mix, then covering the dish until they sprout.


10. Euphorbia Obesa

Image result for 10. Euphorbia Obesa

Euphorbia is a large group of succulent and woody plants. Euphorbia obesa, also called baseball plant, forms a ball-like segmented shape that is adapted to hot, arid climates. Euphorbia baseball plant makes an excellent houseplant and is low maintenance. Enjoy this information on how to grow baseball euphorbia.

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