Pet Store Gives Celebrity Names To Their Fish And It Is Hilarious

Pet Store Gives Celebrity Names To Their Fish And It Is Hilarious

Usually, a great deal of care and thought goes into choosing a name for a pet. However, when there are so many good names to choose from, this task can become overwhelming, especially if you can a whole fish tank full of pets! Luckily, this pet store got you covered. Twitter user criminalcal shared a photo she snapped at an unknown pet store which has names of all their betta fishes picked out. And the names are absolutely hilarious! If you ever buy one of these fish, you definitely won’t be needing to change their names…

#1 Swim Shady

Swim Shady


#2 James Pond

James Pond


#3 Sharkira



#4 Anchovie Hopkins

Anchovie Hopkins


#5 Tank Sinatra

Tank Sinatra


#6 Leanardo Defishy

Leanardo Defishy


#7 Tuna Turner

Tuna Turner


#8 Harley Finn

Harley Finn


#9 Cher



#10 Shellen Degenerous

Shellen Degerous


#11 Sir Caviar Von Trapp

Sir Caviar Von Trapp


#12 Tuna Del Ray

Tuna Del Ray


#13 Guppie Goldberg

Guppie Goldberg


#14 Duane “The Rockfish” Johnson

Duane "The Rockfish" Johnson


#15 Cod Stewart

Cod Stewart


#16 Piranha Anderson

Piranha Anderson


#17 Anne Of Sea Gables

Anne Of Sea Gables


#18 Gilly Joel

Gilly Joel


#19 Betta Midler

Betta Midler


#20 Squidnade Oconnor

Squidnade Oconnor


#21 Cousin Finny

Cousin Finny


#22 Nat Kingfish Cod

Nat Kingfish Cod


#23 Gillfunkel



#24 Gilly Nelson

Gilly Nelson


#25 Bubble Fett

Bubble Fett


Source:  Andželika – Bored Panda

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